Mom life....you NEVER thought it would be like this, right?
You try to fall asleep night after night without thinking about where to start on your ginormous to-do list. Wondering if you are even going to have the energy to start let alone finish anything on that list tomorrow.
You keep telling yourself that if you could just shut off the "worry mode" in your brain then you'd be able to actually enjoy those happy moments with your family you've always dreamed of...
...it doesn't have to be this way.
What if I told you I have a
Solution that really Works?
I help moms, like you, tap into the power of your personal mind-body-spirituality connection so you can regain control of the "worry mode" inside your head so you can have more time & freedom to make more happy memories in your life.
Unlike other coaching or self-paced courses that teach you how to get more done in your day, my personal approach & expertise gives you the ability to find the success you are looking for by focusing on your personal mind-body-spirituality connection in different areas of your life one at a time so you can truly get more done in a day.
So, you don't have the time or energy to figure out where to start?
Let's build your You Share I Actually Listen Plan together
It's a customized plan designed to meet your whole body (mind, body, & spirit) in the season you are in & I'm here to help you navigate the mapped out plan when you just need a hand to hold to take that first step.
Mind - ACTUALLY accomplish your to-do list & live your life to the fullest
with a Customized Goal-Mapping Plan with weekly action items
Body - Take charge of your Health & find the energy you need to thrive
with your Personal Assessment Results & recommended supplements
Spirituality - Learn to live the life God intended for you
with Daily Devotionals that support the goal mapping
Connection -Master true follow-through
with 8 weekly 30-Minutes Accountability Calls
What people are saying...
Hayley Payne
a is amazing. Period. There’s no other woman in the world like her. She’s real, down to earth, and knows her art. She’ll help you on a professional and personal level and is wonderful at her job. It’s been a pleasure working with Lisa and I can’t wait to see what the future holds in our relationship.
when you work with me you will...
Establish & Complete FOCUS Goals in your life
Create daily NOW Goals to guarantee your success
Develop a deeper understanding of the power of God's Love in your life.
Learn to identify where mind-body-spirituality connections exist in your life.
Create time in your life for personal growth & Meditation
Develop personal strategies to use when you are feeling overwhelmed
live a life full of HAPPY MEMORIES that you LOVE
Here's what you can expect:
Before: Book a Free Consultation call. In this call we will get to know each other a little better, I want to know what kind of life you want to have & what's preventing you from living that life now. When we decide to work together, we will book your discovery call. On the discover call, I'll spend time asking you some detailed questions, so I can build the best custom program to help you move toward living that life you want. Once the call is booked I'll send you an email with all the details you will need including a zoom link for the call.
During: When you choose the weekly Accountability calls, we will meet once a week for 8 weeks as you work through your custom goal-mapping program. I can't wait to be your biggest cheerleader. Between sessions, you'll have unlimited Messenger/text access so you keep making progress on your FOCUS goal.
After: You get to keep everything included in your custom package for future use to revisit or reflect as you need to in the future. In addition to your custom goal mapping plan, you'll have unlimited access to the strategies that you used in the plan for your use on future goals that you will help you achieve a LIFE that you LOVE living.
You can spend hours, days, weeks, or even years fumbling through how to take steps in the right order to get you to a life you LOVE living...or you can let me help.
I love helping & being your biggest cheerleader!
So...You can continue to do the same things you've been doing...
feeling overwhelmed every day, not accomplishing anything on your to-do list, throwing mental pity parties about how this isn't how you thought life would be.
...Or you can let me help!
I've been exactly where you are. I struggled for years trying to find balance and harmony between, my spouse, my kids, my job, my friends & myself. always questioning how my life got "here".
The thing is it doesn't have to take you years to figure out where to start & how to make actual progress toward that life you love to live that is filled with Freedom and Happy Memories all. the. time.
When we work together you have a goal map that you WILL accomplish. together we will build that positive momentum that you are missing in your life.

I'm super busy, how much time to I need to complete the Custom Plan? Every mom on this planet deals with being super busy. I. Hear. That. Loud. And. Clear. You are here because you want to accomplish more in your day, so adding a ton of reading and journaling wouldn't make sense. You can complete the mental work portion of the plan in about 15 minutes each day. We all can find 15 minutes in the middle of our daily chaos.
I can't remember a time in my adult life where I ever completed anything. How do I know your Custom Plan will work for me? Excellent question. Goal setting is all about picking the right goal and being realistic with the possible outcomes. The Custom Plan is designed with your success in mind. We start out with small goals & once you master the process you'll be accomplishing your BIG goals in no time.
I NEVER spend money on myself & now I'm feeling guilty about the financial commitment. Is this normal? Girl, Don't you know Mom Guilt is a real thing? We love our families so much that sometimes we stop to acknowledge that we need care too. Let me tell you this. YOU DESERVE TO LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE. Being the best mom to your kids & wife to your husband starts with you being the best you.
Are you ready to have More Time & Freedom to make more Happy Memories in your life? (Me, too!)
Click the button below to start your journey.
Ready for More Happy in your life?
I Hear You! Finding the time to you need to get everything done in your day is so hard when life is so Chaotic.
Just take a quick second & Take a moment for YOU
& see how I can help!