When did it become so hard to actually finish something?
You look around your house & all you see is loads unfinished laundry, an unorganized kitchen that hasn't been organized since before you had kids, piles of papers sitting everywhere that you really want to put away but you have no idea where they actually go.
You know that if you can just focus on one area for a bit things will be different. The thing is that's exactly where you get stuck..... Every. Single. Time.
What if I told you I had a secret
that would guarantee that you
accomplish a goal you set?
I help moms just like you dig a bit deeper into yourself to find the REAL reasons why you aren't accomplishing the things in your life that you want to. The thing is the quicker you can accomplish your to-do list, you will have more time & freedom you will have to make those happy memories you are missing out on.
Unlike other goal-focused courses that just focus on the specific tasks themselves, How to Dig Deeper focuses on your Personal Mind-Body-Spirituality connection to clearly identify what part of accomplishing a goal you keep getting stuck at. The course is broken down into 5 Weekly Plans. Everyday in each Weekly Plan you will spend only 10-15 minutes a day working through one of the foundational pieces you need to actually complete your goal.
You will be amazing at how much you can actually accomplish when you do the 10-15 minutes of work. So, if you are ready to start making a difference in your life that you can actually feel How to Dig Deeper is for you!
So, you know what you want to change,
but you can't figure out why you keep failing...
Let's figure out where your hang-up is together!
How to Dig Deeper is a 5-week course designed to work with your whole body (mind, body & spirit) where you are right now & clearly identify why you are struggling to accomplish the goals you set for yourself. You deserve to feel like you are accomplishing your goals so you can live that life you dreamed of as a girl.
Mind - ACTUALLY accomplish your goals & Start living a life you love
with the quick daily reminders that show you how to make a difference in your life
Body - take a closer look at your Heath & find the energy you need to accomplish your goals
with your Personal Assessment Results & recommended supplements ​
Spirituality - Learn what it means to accomplish the goals that God intended for you
when you look at how your spirituality is affecting your whole life.

Kathy Sanderson
I found Lisa when I was in utter confusion. Using the techniques and her guidance I was able to achieve so much more clarity and knew how to move forward

Marisa Pasquini
I love Lisa because she is so real...Real and perfect in her imperfection, like all true leaders.
What other Moms are saying...
Here's what you can expect:
Before: When you Sign Up for How to Dig Deeper, you will get immediate access. You will also get an email from me reminding you to take the complimentary Personal Assessment. This email is kinda important. You'll need the results (that will be emailed to you) to get the most out of the Course.)
During: The course is broken down into 5 Weekly Topics. Each Weekly topic will have 7 lessons. It's in these 10-15 Minute Lessons where you will Dig Deep to find the real roots why you struggle to accomplish the goals you set. Remember it's the daily lessons where you will start taking the steps you need to see results that excite you & your whole family.
After: You get lifetime access to the course (just in case you every might need a refresher). When you finish Week 5 you will have everything you need to start accomplishing goals & living a life with more freedom & happy Memories! Be sure you spoil yourself when you finish! there is nothing like an amazing reward for work accomplished :)